Ryan Bennett, Máire Ní Chiosáin, Jaye Padgett & Grant McGuire. 2018. “Contrast enhancement and cue trading in Irish consonant articulations”. Annual Meeting on Phonology, UC San Diego. Oct. 2018.
Poster available here
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M. & Padgett, J. (2018). Contrast enhancement and cue trading in Irish consonant articulations. Annual meeting of the Linguistic
Society of America, Austin, TX. Jan. 2017.
To see slides click here.
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M., Padgett, J. & Bellik, J. (2016). Tongue body shape during the production of Irish palatalization and velarization. Poster presented at the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan. 28 November – 2 December 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M. & Padgett, J. (2015). An ultrasound study of secondary articulations in Irish . Brown University, LingLangLunch. Apr. 2015.
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M. & Padgett, J. (2013). Quantitative measures for the degree of palatalization/velarization: Irish ultrasound data. [Oral Presentation], Ultrafest VI, University of Edinburgh, Nov. 6-8.
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M. & Padgett, J. (2012). Irish palatalization in two dialects: further results of an ultrasound study. [International Refereed Conference], 7th Celtic Linguistics Conference – CLC7, Rennes, France, June 22-23.
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M. & Padgett, J. (2012). An ultrasound investigation of palatalisation and velarisation in Conamara Irish. [Oral Presentation], Teangeolaíocht na Gaeilge XIV, University College Cork, April 20-21.
Bennett, R., McGuire, G., Ní Chiosáin, M. & Padgett, J. (2012). Invariance in Irish palatalization and velarization: an ultrasound study. [Oral Presentation], CUNY Conference on the Segment, CUNY, Jan. 11-13.